Do you need some lockdown love?

Pic credit: Paper Pear

Pic credit: Paper Pear

Lockdown is a reality for many of us across the country right now and you may be feeling a little uninspired at the moment and emotionally fatigued. To help ease the pressures of isolation, we're offering a special lockdown-inspired post with ideas to warm your heart and increase positive motivation. Remember this too shall pass, so focus on the future and practice gratitude - when we’re grateful for what we do have, we forget about what we don’t have!

Get connected

Connection is important for our well being, so be intentional about staying connected to friends and family around the world. Perhaps send a snail-mail card to a dear friend who is miles away or arrange for a family gathering on zoom. Take the time to send encouraging notes to your loved ones. Don’t forget to also connect with yourself and reserve a window of time to focus on YOU, whether a reflective moment painting your nails  or by spending time meditating.

Pic credit: Connected AU

Pic credit: Connected AU

Expand your mind

With vast resources and learning options at our fingertips, now is the time to be expanding our minds by downloading the latest best-selling e-book, watching a new Ted Talks episode every day, listening to an inspiring podcast or learning a new language. Set goals and master a new skill or feed your mind with personal development coaching.  Learning is growth and progress.


Self-care means giving yourself permission to rest as you need, whether that means an extended lie in or an afternoon nap. Unplug from social media for a moment and reap the benefits of reduced stress, boosted creativity and a recharged mind.

Pic credit: BST

Pic credit: BST

Channel glowing skin

While living somewhat undercover at the moment, develop daily beauty rituals and introduce a disciplined approach to skincare. Layer additional products into your routine like intensive serums and masks and be diligent with cleansing and regular exfoliation. Make the most of the additional time to exercise your face, through massage or using beauty tools like a jade roller or facial toning devices. Self-care with skin care equals a healthy-looking, radiant complexion.

Pic credit: Vida Glow

Pic credit: Vida Glow

Cook and bake with abandon

If you love cooking and baking, experiment with recipes and cuisines that are out of your comfort zone. Try new flavours, master new techniques and feed your soul in the process. If you don’t know how to cook or bake, take this time to start learning the basics with an array of online recipes at your disposal.

Pic credit: Skye McAlpine

Pic credit: Skye McAlpine

Get by with a little help from furry friends

Pets are relishing in the 24-hour company at home. Pets can be the best antidote against loneliness and its debilitating mental and physical health effects during lockdown. Their companionship increases your happiness, improves your mood after just five minutes of cuddling. They keep us grounded and give us hope and joy.

Try a new hobby

Discovering a hobby that you love is a great way to feed your creativity. Research shows that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress and depression. You can adopt a hobby that is useful to you, that helps you refine a skill or incorporate a new one into your lifestyle. Kick start your new journey with a kit…. there are plenty available online from candle making through to gardening.

Pic credit: PlantGirl

Pic credit: PlantGirl