Does beauty come from within?


At this unique and unprecedented time, health and wellness is top of mind for everyone as we get to grips with navigating a new, more mindful way of life. 

We spoke with Australia’s renowned premium beauty and nail expert, Jocelyn Petroni to discover how she achieves beauty wellness, both inside and out.  


What does beauty from within mean to you?

Beauty is about feeling beautiful, it’s a confident state of mind that comes from within. Beauty includes skin and nail health where glowing skin and radiant nails shine through the lines on our faces and our unique imperfections. This is not about peace love and mung beans, it’s about style and power and connecting with yourself – being in the present moment and being mindful of your skin and beauty routine. The world we live in is so outward focused, we need to turn inwards…to be able to connect with our inner beauty. Self care is time to connect inwards to our inner beauty. Ask yourself the question… when did I last feel connected? Every day we can connect to ourselves through our everyday actions and particularly during our beauty routine.

Can you share some of your lifestyle tips that give you a glow, both externally and internally?

I believe in a balanced diet that doesn’t buy into trends or extreme diet choices. I like to learn from food science and take something from each of the diets I learn about. There is a lot more information today than when I was younger and educating myself is key for making the right diet and lifestyle choices. I am dedicated to healthy lifestyle choices including regular exercise, drinking lots of water and meditating daily.  Our skin condition is in part a reflection of our inner wellbeing. By meditating daily, it sets the tone for your attitude and approach for the day and lowers your stress levels. The knock-on effect is lower cortisol levels, which means a glowing complexion – you rest better, eat better and generally have a more positive outlook on life.  

How do we adapt our wellbeing routines through winter?

As the weather cools, the skin secretes less oil and water. This is a time to switch up your skincare routine by substituting with heavier products…. you might upgrade a gel to a milk or a cream to an oil. I would suggest adding oil to your routine by applying a few drops neat to the skin after cleansing or by integrating oil-rich products. By adding oil, you strengthen the skin’s natural hydro-lipid film or barrier protection, protecting against environmental aggressors and eczema. Topically applied oil will help to retain water within the skin and prevent trans-epidermal (or surface level) water loss. Increase the amount of water you drink and water-rich foods like cucumber and watermelon that you eat. Winter is a great time to drink plenty of hydrating herbal teas and bone broths. Introduce an overnight sleep mask to accelerate the benefits of beauty sleep, which is when the skin goes into repair mode.  Winter is also a time to start thinking about adding ingestibles to your routine. 

Lipid replenishing skincare with Swiss linseed oil

Why are ingestibles important?

These are a great way to support your overall health and wellbeing, as they say ‘you are what you eat’. The skin is our largest excretory organ and ingestibles reach a molecular level in the blood, which in turn feeds the skin. As a leader I want to encourage people to holistically look after their skin and nails. Supplements are essential in a healthy diet that focuses on optimal skin and nail health, which includes giving your body a good hydration soak and high oil content. I love Vida Glow Marine collagen which is easily added to a daily glass of water, I have mine as part of my morning ritual whist breastfeeding my baby, Georgia.

What role does spirituality play in your overall wellbeing?

This is essential to my mental health, connecting to myself everyday. My beliefs determine my approach and philosophy, so I hope that is reflected in all that I do. I’ve been practicing Tibetan Buddhism for 13 years and I meditate every morning at my shrine. I actually meditate during facial treatments and I encourage my therapists and clients to do the same. My therapists are qualified Reiki practitioners and this beautiful energy comes through all the treatments we practice in the salon. 

How important is the toxicity of skin and nail products to you?

At Jocelyn Petroni we are pioneers in the clean beauty movement. Conscious beauty for me is a 360-degree approach looking at both your external and internal beauty. One can’t exist without the other. It’s also about considering your personal footprint on the environment and making ethical and mindful choices.  That is why we believe in products that are not only safe for our clients but for the environment too. 
