Pic credit: Marta B
‘Tis the season for polished fingernails! With the festive season upon us, a manicure features on the never-ending to-do list. Take some time out with a cup of tea (or glass of champagne if you’d prefer) and enjoy a moment of manicure mindfulness. A methodical approach produces professional results and gives your manicure lasting power!
Step 1 - Gather all the essential tools
You will need a nail file, buffer, cuticle remover, cuticle cream/oil, nail hardener, base coat, nail polish, topcoat and fast-drying finishing product.
Step 2 – Pause
Find a window of time with no external demands, where you can enjoy a peaceful session listening to a podcast or your favourite music.
Pic credit: Stephanie Welbourne Steele for Victoria Magazine
Step 3 – Prepare
This step is crucial for creating a great foundation for a lasting manicure. Remove any excess nail polish and check the state of your cuticles. If they are dry or ragged then cuticle SOS is required. Apply an intensive cuticle cream or oil to treat and soften the area. For overgrown cuticles, apply a cuticle remover and gently push back with a hoof stick. A neat nail contour makes your manicure pop!
Step 4 – File, buff and shape
Using a quality emery board, shape each nail in long sweeping curves from side to centre. Never file back and forth in a sawing motion as this will heat the nail, fray edges and encourage flaking. When buffing the nails, use light delicate movements in one direction on the nail plate only. Nail polish holds well on a smooth surface. Buffing also activates blood circulation on the nail bed, stimulating growth and aiding penetration of treatment products.
Step 5 - Paint
A treatment product plus base coat will make your manicure last longer. Apply a quality, natural nail hardener to protect the nails from peeling and breaking (the tips of the nails are the most fragile). The best-selling Scientifique K+ binds the layers of the nail plate together and contains crystal resin tears, from the pistachio mastic tree, to support the natural keratinization process of the nails. Next apply a barrier or base to provide a screen between the polish and the nail plate to grip to polish to the nail better (002 Protective Base Coat has been touted as ‘like velcro’ for nail polish hold). Don’t shake your nail polish bottle too hard before application, as this creates tiny air bubbles affecting the finished result. When you apply, avoid dabbing and rather use long, even strokes. It’s best to apply nail polish in thin layers (only 2) as it will dry quicker and last longer.
Pic credit: Whofish Boutique
Step 6 – Finish
Complete your manicure with a topcoat for extra gloss and hold, remember to wait at least 2 or 3 minutes between each coat. A great trick for lasting power is to reapply a layer of topcoat every couple of days. Also cap the nail by applying a small amount of topcoat underneath the tip of the nail. Finally use a fast drying spray to avoid smudging once you’re finished.